The Massachusetts Senate race gets racist

The Massachusetts Senate race gets racist

Senator Scott Brown and Elizabeth WarrenThe Massachusetts Senate race between Senator Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren has taken a turn for the worst surrounding Warren’s Native American heritage.

During last week’s debate between the two candidates, Brown seemed fixated on what some are calling the Cherokee Controversy.  It seems that Warren, who is one-thirty-second Native American, claimed that heritage in the past on employment forms, but never used it to get hired under any sort of affirmative action program.  Additionally, her past employers have consistently stated that it was an irrelevant factor in her hiring.  However, Brown spent most of the night deriding her over her heritage and taking shots at her referring to her as “professor” throughout the debate.

[You can view her website for their “fact-checked” background on this issue and others.]

As reported today by George Zonick of The Nation: “yesterday, the Brown campaign released an ad titled “Who Knows?” that focuses entirely on the Cherokee controversy, and implying (using an unfortunately worded reply by Warren to a reporter’s question) that there are things voters still don’t know about her.”

Also reported by The Nation, “This morning, things got even more ugly. Video surfaced of Brown staffers, including his constituent service counsel and deputy chief of staff, firing up supporters at a rally by making “war whoops” and “tomahawk chops,” an unmistakable dig at Warren’s heritage claims.”

Samuel Warde
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