Top 12 Reasons Romney is the Candidate of the 1 Percent

Top 12 Reasons Romney is the Candidate of the 1 PercentA great list provided by our great friend (and now contributor) Rebecca Gross Barton:

“This following is only a partial listing of why Mitt Romney is the candidate of the 1%. He has no core, no moral code, no credibility, no integrity, no policy, no belief system.

He is that perfect “patsy” to sign anything these elitist would put in front of him. His one goal?: TO HAVE PEOPLE CALL HIM THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF.

1. Mitt believes that corporations are people. He has backed this up with his public comments.

2. Mitt will solve the complex problems of the middle east by “kicking the ball down the field and maybe something will happen to resolve it.”

3. Mitt has not spent even one micro-second trying to determine why windows on planes won’t open.

4. Mitt is not concerned about the poor. He believes there are safety nets in place to help these people. He also believes in eliminating social security, Medicare, and food stamp program. (Well, at least his running mate does, no one really knows Mitt’s positions)

5. Mitt believes 47% of the entire American population are leeches and moochers with no intention of becoming self-reliant.

6. Mitt believes the way to recruit highly qualified women for prominent positions is to maintain a “binder full of women.” This is due to the fact that he does not truly engage women in the real world.

7. Mitt plans on cutting the deficit by giving Big Bird the ax.

8. Mitt attempts to connect to Latino voters by wearing bronzer to a convention organized by Latinos. He almost succeeded but forgot to do his hands.

9. Mitt truly believed that having Clint Eastwood insult the president by talking to an empty chair would garner additional votes. Maybe in the world of “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” Mitt.

10. Mitt lost millions of supporters for America with his “disconcerting” comments during his summer trip to UK, Israel and Poland.

Rebecca Gross Barton

Rebecca Gross Barton

11. Mitt’s “sense of humor” includes such innocent hi-jinks as attacking a gay classmate and cutting his hair and dressing up like a cop to stop unsuspecting travelers.

12. Mitt truly believes Americans are “crass” in their insistence of seeing his tax returns.

Again, these are just some of the reasons he is the only candidate of the elite. It’s not just about their desire to have even more money. These people will not be satisfied until they “own” the United States.

Samuel Warde
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