Busted: Hate-Fest Breaks Out Regarding Ridiculous Post By John Boehner


Speaker John Boehner is claiming “House Republicans have protected 98% of Americans from permanent tax increases” in a post on his verified Facebook page. There’s only one problem: he is getting slammed mercilessly in the comments.

Below are a few random samples:

Selective propaganda in the Fascist tradition…nice going, Your Orangeness. In early 2013, when the “Fiscal Cliff” nonsense was resolved, all that was done was to raise the tax rates of the wealthy (above $400,000 for single people; $450,000 for married couples) back to the Clinton-era level (39.6%). Left alone were the THOUSANDS of Bush 43 tax policies (exemptions, loopholes and deductions) the wealthy and big corporations use to avoid paying any taxes at all or lowering their tax liability to near zero. Don’t be fooled by the GOP’s Fascist propaganda, people: the GOP truly represent three groups of “people” right now: fetuses; rich old white Conservative men and big corporations. If you don’t fall into one of those three categories and you’re a Republican, those same rich old white male Cons consider you a “Useful Idiot”. And, when you vote Republican, you prove them correct ssmdh

He has not. The house has done little at all other than trying to repeal Social Security and Medicare,. Equal wages, immigration, student loans, and hundreds of other issues lay on the way side, because they are what the people, democrats and president have proposed. JOHN Boehner is no better than ISIS by cutting of the heads of Americans that need a Congress that works together and passes mean full programs.

It is bad enough that you do nothing for the American people now you are acting like a snake oil salesman. There is a special place in hell for those who have the ability to help but keep it all for themselves.

The so called speaker is a liar and a government moocher. Do you and your pathetic party think that we are not informed? You are no better than Eric Cantor

Meanwhile, the top 2% are getting more tax cuts. Nice spin, Speaker.

What about the other 2% Johnny…what kind of breaks did you give to the richest 2% in the country. Republicans sicken me.

Sure you have!

Boehner, you are the savior! I don’t know what the people of this country would do without you. You are a gift! You care about us more than the rest, and you proved that when you blocked EUC for MILLIONS of families.

Shame on you!

And because of no new taxes our infrastructure is falling apart, our security is lax and our government is cut to the bare bones and nothing gets done. We need to grow but you want us to wither.

Wow. You fought for months to secure big tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and tried to block those cuts for the rest of us!

[The] GOP is all about tax avoidance, mostly for the rich as we saw in the infamous Bush Tax Cuts.. Meanwhile the country suffers from serious needs for our people and infrastructure while you and Republicans spend all efforts to cut taxes. “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society,” unless one is a Republican. Cut war spending if you want to save our tax money. 11/4!

Actually, you mean you have prevented tax increases to 98% of the 2%! LIAR!!!!

how about u make the wealthy pay the same tax that i pay: 35% instead of their under 15%??? that would be FAIR. why am i working so hard, so the many of us like me can subsidize the tax revenue losses of the Rich????

Doing nothing has a price! Your policies only protect the corporate elite!
You have stolen BILLIONS of our tax dollars for your childish temper tantrum and faux investigations!
You have protected your corporate donors and given them every tax break in the book!
Please you are the ruination of the country….approval rating 7%! Resign!

Samuel Warde
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