America’s Contempt For Trump Clearly Reflected In The Latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll

Donald Trump (16471535187)

The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls spells disaster for Trump as he finishes up his first year in office.

The numbers couldn’t be any grimmer as Trump’s approval rating sits at “the lowest mark in the poll’s history for any modern president ending his first year,” according to NBC News.

“Fifty-seven percent disapprove of Trump’s job, including a majority of respondents — 51 percent — who now say they strongly disapprove, which is a record high for Trump in the survey. That’s compared with 26 percent of Americans who strongly approve of the president’s job.”

The numbers were dismal across all demographic groups reported by NBC News.

Trump’s strongest approval rating was with men with an approval rate of 46%. Whites was next with 45%, and seniors with 41%.

The under 35 crowd came in at only 35%, women with 33%, Hispanics at 26, and African Americans with an abysmal 8%.

There was no great surprise when looking at the figures along party lines with 78% of Republicans approving of Trump’s job, 33% of Independents. and only 8% of Democrats.

Continuing, NBC News reported that:

Asked which words best described how they felt about Trump’s first year as president, respondents’ top answers (allowing for multiple responses) were “disgusted” (38 percent), “scared” (24 percent), “hopeful” (23 percent), “proud” (12 percent) and “angry” (11 percent).

“At the time of his inauguration, ‘hopeful’ was the word most used word about the 2016 results,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. “But at the end of his first year, ‘disgust’ was the word most cited about him.”

NBC News went on to list a few noteworthy responses to the poll:

  • “A dumpster fire,” said an independent male from California in summing up Trump’s first year in office.
  • “He does not represent the values of the country,” added a female Democrat from Wisconsin. “He has no compassion and he should not be our president.”
  • “I am in awe that he has done so much in a year,” said one Republican female respondent from Georgia.
  • “I think he’s doing the best he can with all the negative or fake news, and all the Democrats and Republicans that are against him — the establishment Republicans,” added a Republican female from Alabama.

Samuel Warde
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