Ann Coulter Attacks Sandra Fluke & Bill Clinton and makes racist Obama comment

Ann Coulter Twitter assault on DNCConservative pundit Ann Coulter is at it again, this time tweeting several shocking comments directed at Democratic National Convention speakers Sandra Fluke and President Bill Clinton, even taking time to take a racist shot at President Obama.

Coulter began her assault on Fluke shortly after she delivered a scathing indictment of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s policies tweeting: “Bill Clinton just impregnated Sandra Fluke backstage”.  She went on to tweet “They’re spicing things up with a live abortion on stage!”  in response to a comment from a follower about her speech being a “snooze”.

Coulter went on to paraphrase a key point in Fluke’s speak tweeting “Sandra Fluke: Republicans would redefine rape. Later that night, shakes hands with Bill Clinton and cannot get smell off her.”

In one of her worst Tweets about Fluke, Coulter wrote: “Democrats: Get government out of our uterus! Sandra Fluke: Government, get in my uterus!” and she finished her assault on Fluke with two other Tweets: “Sandra Fluke wants speech class paid for by taxpayers.” and “Sandra wants taxpayers to pay for her tanning appointments.”

Coulter began her attack on Clinton by first making a racist slam against Obama tweeting: “To get Bill Clinton to speak at the convention, Obama had to agree to carry his bags.”

She then went on with her attack on Clinton first tweeting, “You must read this article in Human Events before the horny hick’s speech tonight” and then adding “There’s not a chick in that audience that Bill wants in kneepads.  That’s ugly” and finished up her assault with “Monica Lewinsky somewhere, sobbing, clutching stained dress and eating Haagen Das by the Tv light… Four cats yawning.”

Below is a video put together by The Slate’s Trending News Channel:

Ann Coulter Twitter assault on DNC

We put the tweets in reverse order with the earliest ones at the top and removed comments from her followers as well as a few of Coulter’s keeping in only the controversial posts.

Samuel Warde
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