Did al-Qaeda gave up bin Laden to help Obama?

Did al-Qaeda gave up bin Laden to help Obama?

Last Wednesday Rush Limbaugh theorized that Al -Qaeda “gave up Osama bin Laden” so President Obama could get re-elected, because keeping Obama in office “furthers the cause.” [AUDIO BELOW]

Cenk Uygur discusses this latest conspiracy theory from Rush Limbaugh.

“What do the militant Islamists want more than anything in the world?  Israel gone is right.  Even moderate Islamists want Israel gone, from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Al-Qaeda, to the Muslim Brotherhood.  You can find quotes.  Palestinian leaders, Hamas, fatah, you name it, all of these factions of militant Islam, number one objective, no more Israel.  And if they could bring it off, no more Jews.

Okay. So what if…? What if Ayman al-Zawahiri and other Al-Qaeda leaders gave up Osama Bin Laden for the express purpose of making Obama look good, giving Obama stature and political capital? “Obama got Osama!” I mean, really. Do you think Al-Qaeda depends on Osama Bin Laden anymore, or did? What was he doing there? They call it a mansion, but it was a pigsty. He was drinking Budweiser and watching porn.

He had a courier going back and forth, but Al-Qaeda was not depending on Osama Bin Laden for operational leadership. His day had come and gone. So he’s expendable. He was near death anyway from diabetes or something. He needed dialysis. So they give him up; they give up his location. We go in and SEAL Team 6 gets him. Obama puffs up. “I killed Osama! I did it! I killed him!”

He gets instant credibility and gives himself some political capital.

Keeping him in power, that furthers the cause. Who gave us the Arab Spring? Who…? (sigh) Who structured things so that the Muslim Brotherhood pretty much had a clear path to power in Egypt? If… And I’m saying “IF,” capital I, capital F. If the militant Islamists think… Let’s put this way. Do you think that militant Islamists will be as hopeful of getting rid of Israel with a Republican president or with a Democrat president? I’m just throwing it out there. This is thinking off the top of my head, after being bombarded today with stuff, and that call that we had from Claire.

This one got me going, because she’s so right.

Everybody’s trying to blame this movie or Terry Jones, the preacher, for what happened in Egypt yesterday. But the guys that scaled the wall, cut down our flag, burned it, and tried to raise the Al-Qaeda flag are the ones shouting about all the Osamas there are, and they’re mentioning Obama’s name. They’re taunting Obama: “You didn’t get rid of us! There are thousands of us.” Obama’s saying, “Don’t spike the football! Don’t spike the football!” But maybe the real source of the outrage here is Obama and the Democrats bragging 21 times during their convention, “We killed Osama!”


Samuel Warde
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