GOP Convention failure by the numbers

On Monday Rachel Maddow discussed polling figures for the GOP Convention, the failure of the convention compared to others, and the failure of the GOP and Romney to follow-up on the marginal momentum gained.

Maddows discussed the fact that historically candidates capitalize on the momentum generated by their conventions noting that “This is the point at which you are supposed to be campaigning at warp-speed.”

  • “In 1992 after the Clinton Gore convention, these guys did a 1000 mile bus tour right after their convention.
  • In 2000 after the Republican Convention, George Bush and Dick Cheney left straight from their convention to Ohio and Michigan and Illinois to tour it by train.
  • In 2004 John Kerry and John Edwards did the same sort of cross-country through Pennsylvania and West Virginia and Ohio and beyond.
  • In 2008 Barack Obama and Joe Biden went straight from their convention to Michigan and to Pennsylvania and to Ohio by bus.
  • You’re supposed to go out there and make it stick. Right.
  • It is post-convention momentum time.
  • Mitt Romney today is not on a bus tour or a train tour or any kind of tour.”

As reported by Maddow, Romney had no campaign events Sunday or Monday and has nothing scheduled for the rest of the week with the Romney campaigning claiming that  Romney does not have any time to campaign as he is preparting for the upcoming debates.

Maddow went on to discuss the failure of the Republican National Convention to create any significant polling gains, as past conventions have done, as detailed in the following charts.

In the first chart, the Gallups Daily Tracking Poll, one can see interest remained flat throughout the course of the convention.

Obama Romney Gallup Tracking

In this next chart, Maddow shows Romney at +2% Net Gain from the Convention which is the lowest recorded gain for either party since 1984 and Maddow went on to note that Romney’s Speech got the lowest rating of any nominee’s convention speech Gallup has polled since 1996.

Romney favorability polling


In looking at the numbers from Latino voters, 62% of Latino voters polled said that having the Latino speakers at the GOP convention had no impact on them.

Ryan polling among Latino voters

Versus Obama, Romney had a 4 point bump from 26% to 30% with Latino voters with Obama is still beating him over 2 to 1.

Obama Romney Latino Poll


You can watch the segment below.

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Samuel Warde
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