Phoenix Tea Party Patriots’ BirtherFest cancelled due to lack of interest

The Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots were forced to cancel their Birther-palooza-fest 2012 due to a complete lack of interest.

The official name of this freakshow was “Cold Case Posse Event–Celebrity Theater” and was billed as “an exciting time as the Greater Phoenix Tea Party and Surprise Tea Party present an event to support Sheriff Joe and his investigation into the fraudulent Obama documents.”

And of course by Sheriff Joe, they mean the Insane “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio who was scheduled to headline this non-event.  (You might recall Sheriff Joe as the fucktard behind Phoenix’s failed “tent city” experiment  intended to reduce recidivism.  However,  in reality Phoenix enjoys one of the highest rates of people trying to break into a jail in the country. The fact he continues to get re-elected in spite of his failure proves, yet again, that you can boil a Tea Baggers brain but you cannot force him to think.)

The other two winners scheduled to accompany Insane in the Membrane Joe were Pat Boone (you might recall back when he tried to fake going “Heavy Metal” a few years ago as demonstrated in the unintentionally hilarious video below) and LTC Terry Lakin (a birther doctor who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he doesn’t believe Obama was born in the U.S. and ended spending a year in prison along with forfeiting his pension and benefits).


Tea Party Patriots Arizona Fail

Samuel Warde
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