A Heated Response to Mourdock’s Asinine Statement About Rape Being A Gift From God

Angry Response to MourdockAs you are probaby aware, yet another Republican Teabilly Fucktard has come out and shoved his foot almost all the way down his throat when it comes to women and rape.

And not only did Mourdock claim that raped women should be forced to carry their rapist’s baby to term because their forced pregnancy is a “gift from God” on Tuesday night (which is bad enough) but today he came out defending his position insisting his words were taken our of context.

And isn’t it funny how these jackasses always make that claim in spite of the fact they were captured on tape.  What?  Are you saying the very same aliens that kidnapped Elvis came down and temporarily inverted your brain, forcing you to spew out sexist hateful nonsense?  Is that what you really want us to believe because I can find no better explanation after having seen the footage?

[You can watch Rep. Mourdock’s hateful comments and defense here and don’t forget to check out Romney’s endorsement of Mourdock which he stands by today in spite of (or maybe because of) Mourdock’s obvious hatred of women.]

So, without further ado, here is an angry editorial response by our friend Sarah Zacharias, the creator of the Bucking Jenny.  [You might also remember her response to Mitt Romney’s 47% comment which went viral a few weeks ago.]

I heard what Richard Mourdock said about a rape baby being God’s gift.

 When I was 17, I was raped by my boyfriend. He hurt me badly. I was scared of him, and had to get social resources from a local women’s shelter to break up with him.

 I never told my parents.

 Weeks later I started throwing up 12 and 14 times a day.

 I got a pregnancy test for free at Planned Parenthood during the time I should have been in Economics 101.

 It was positive. Even though I knew that I had not chosen to have unprotected sex, my cheeks burned with shame. It was September of both my Sr. Year of HS and my freshman year of college… I did both at the same time.

 I won a varsity level swimming meet the day before I had my secret abortion.

 Four days after that, I awoke with my parents sitting at the foot of my hospital bed sobbing.

 I had nearly died from the abortion I attempted to get at a local clinic that was cheaper than but not related to Planned Parenthood…

 I just want to say, that the person who raped me took a lot of choices from me. His baby was not a blessing. It was not a gift.

 I have experience two blessed gifts since then, my beloved, wanted, planned sons… I know the difference.

 Mr. Mourdock can sit around with his set of penis and testicles all day long talking about the blessings if rape babies…but I know the truth. I know the pain, shame, fear, anger, and near soul destroying guilt that comes when your rapist leaves you with that last, tiny freedom… The freedom to choose whether he forces a child on you… Even when you did not get to choose when he forced himself on you.

 Mr. Mourdock’s words may sound noble to some. They sound like curse to me.

~ Sarah


Samuel Warde
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