New ad questions Romney ability as Commander-In-Chief

New ad questions Romney ability as Commander-In-ChiefA new campaign ad but the Truman National Security Project questions whether Mitt Romney is qualified to serve as the Commander-in-Chief even bringing up his string of gaffes during his recent European tour.

The ad highlights Romney’s foreign policy problems to include his campaign’s reluctance to discuss national security, his failure to mention the war in Afghanistan and to h0nor the troops there during his nomination acceptance speech and the oveall confusing nature of his Afghanistan policy.

The ad features several 9/11 era veterans questioning his qualification, or lack thereof, to serve as the nation’s Commander-in-Chief with one Army veteran noting: “You have shown us from London to Libya that you are over your head”.

If you are unfamiliar with them, the Truman National Security Project is a national security leadership institute based in Washington, D.C. It is the nation’s only organization that recruits, trains, and positions progressives across America to lead on national security.

Samuel Warde
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