Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity on Obama’s reelection

Ann Coulter: Insane in the MembraneSean Hannity and Ann Coulter reacted to President Obama’s big win last night by chalking it up to the increasing entitlement society in the United States. Hannity couldn’t help but wonder if this was a sign that the mood of the electorate is shifting from a center-right country to something completely different.

Coulter admitted she was wrong in predicting that Mitt Romney would win, explaining that she forgot a standard election rule: “it’s very hard to take out an incumbent.” She said that was why she initially backed Chris Christie for the presidency. Hannity said that the election results show America is changing to a larger entitlement society, and more people love the idea of “government taking care of you.”  Hannity also tore into the Obama campaign for engaging in downright dirty tactics to win reelection.

Samuel Warde
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