Bill Maher summed up the Republican Party’s biggest problem during last week’s New Rules noting that “Republicans have the same problem as the Beach Boys. Their fans are dying”.
“I bring this up because the background of this election was, let’s be honest, Republicans have the same problem as the Beach Boys. Their fans are dying. But to the Blacks, Asians, and Latinos, as you power and population grows, I’d line to say I’m one of the good ones. I’m tired of living with the stereotype that all honkeys are a little racist and retrograde and will only vote for members of our own white tribe. You know, someone who can really rock a pair of Dockers. Now, I have long believed that if the different ethnic groups want to be treated equally they have to stop voting for candidates just because they look like them. And yes, I’m talking about white people. Like these two (picture of Romney and Kid Rock), who obviously have so much in common besides pigment.
But hey, the good news is Obama won. The bad news only 39% of whites voted for him. And that is a pattern, white people vote for white people like it is going out of style. And like most things white people do, it’s going out of style. And it’s a shame, Caucasians have accomplished so much as a race. We’ve given the world Ugg Boots, and Cirque du Soleil, Ultimate Frisbee, turkey burgers, renaissance fairs, and the golf ball washer.
But when I look at the election returns, I am embarrassed at how far we haven’t come. I cannot deny that Barack Obama is a two term president whose had four elections in his life, and he only won the white vote once. When he ran for the Senate against another black guy. And the only thing that makes white voters more uncomfortable than choosing between two black politicians is getting the check at a Thai restaurant and trying to remember which waitress was yours.
With white people it is always one step forward and two steps backward, or as we call it dancing.”
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