New CNN/ORC Poll: Are GOP policies too extreme?

New CNN/ORC Poll: Are GOP policies too extreme?The latest poll by CNN and ORC International, released today, has some interesting results – namely that for the very first time a majority of Americans believe the GOP has become too extreme.

According to its findings, fifty-three percent of people said the GOP’s viewpoints and policies have pushed the party beyond that of the mainstream.  This figure includes 22 percent of Republicans and is a dramatic increase over 2010 when fewer than forty percent of people thought the party was extreme.

Additionally, the poll found that fifty-seven percent considered Democrats to be “generally mainstream.”

According to CNN’s polling director, Keating Holland, “That’s due in part to the fact that the Republican brand is not doing that well.”

The poll also found that House Speaker Boehner’s numbers are sinking at an even higher rate, with only 34% showing approval for the way he is handling his job as opposed to 52% disapproving.

By comparison, President Obama polled at 52% approving of the job he is doing and 43% disapproving, with 4% having no opinion.

Republicans should take note of this poll as it demonstrates that slightly over half the public says that the GOP should give up more than the Democrats in any bipartisan solution to the country’s problems.

As published by the poll the margin of error is 4%:

“A total of 620 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones. All

respondents were asked questions concerning basic demographics, and the entire sample was weighted to reflect national Census

figures for gender, race, age, education, region of country, telephone usage and whether respondents own or rent their homes.

Among the entire sample, 34% described themselves as Democrats, 41% described themselves as Independents, and 25%

described themselves as Republicans.”

Samuel Warde
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