NRA Contradicts Self In Defending David Gregory

NRA Playing Both SIdes of the Fence on David Gregory IncidentNRA president David Keene talks about NBC’s “Meet the Press” host David Gregory using an illegal gun magazine as a prop in an ill-concealed attempt to manipulate the situation.

Keene came out in defense of David Gregory, stating unequivocally that Gregory should not be charged or prosecuted for a weapon’s violation for displaying a 30 round magazine during last Sunday’s “Meet the Press”. Possessing an ammunition device capable of holding more than 10 rounds is illegal in Washington D.C. where “Meet the Press” is aired most of the time.

Keene’s position that many current gun laws are ridiculous and should not be enforced directly contradicts his consistent position, and that of the NRA, that the U.S. needs to enforce current gun laws to curb the nation’s firearm related violence.

Samuel Warde
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