Piers Morgan Wages War on Gun Advocates (3 VIDEOS)

Piers Morgan Wages War on Gun Advocates

Piers Morgan has had quite a month, engaging in battle after battle with leading gun-rights advocates about the ever expanding problem of firearm related violence in America.

For instance, on the 18th of this month, Morgan got into a heated argument with the head of the Gun Owners of America (GOA), Larry Pratt, during his show with the interview becoming confrontational after Morgan accused Pratt of lying about shooting rates in Europe and ultimately stated: “You’re an unbelievably stupid man, aren’t you?”.

Also earlier this month and in the aftermath of the Newtown, CT school shooting, Piers Morgan led a heated debate regarding gun control with his guests who included: Congressman Gerald Nadler (D-NY); John Richard Lott Jr., gun advocate, economist and political commentator; Dan Gross, the president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; and Steve Dulan, head of the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners.

He started the debate by contronting gun advocate John Lott demanding to know exactly when the gun rights people will finally accept the need for more gun control laws in the wake of shootings in a elementary school, a house of worship and a movie theater – all in the same year.

Morgan went on to ask exactly why a kindergarten teacher with a “clearly deranged son” in her house needed three guns to include a semi-automatic weapon.  Lott tried to wave off his question by attempting to explain the mechanics and appearance of semi-automatic weapons.  However, he was quickly interupted by Morgan who interjected that the shooter had fired off a hundred rounds in a matter of minutes.  Morgan, then clearly angry, raised his voice yelling: “At what point do you gun lobby guys say, ‘We get it, it’s time for change'”.

Morgon also had an opportunity this month to take on Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation, calling him out for his obvious lies and distortions.

Samuel Warde
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