Rachel Maddow Toasts A Historic Week (VIDEO)

Rachel MaddowRachel Maddow connects cocktails and gay rights to highlight the continuing fight for gay rights that played out last week before the Supreme Court last week.

Speaking of the fact that many of the stars we see at night are merely light from stars long since extinquished, Maddow makes the following observation:

“There are all sorts of people and all sorts of fights that technically are not still around. But they live, and we can see them. We can see their light in some of the biggest-deal and most difficult things that we do today. Whether or not you see equal rights for gay people as your particular fight–whether or not you even agree with that particular fight–this was a really big historic week for that fight, and therefore for our country. All the work, all the generations of work to get here, in fact, got us here. It worked.”

You can watch the clip below from MSNBC:

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Samuel Warde
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