Cartoonists Demand Action (VIDEO)

Cartoonists Demand Action

Some of the nation’s best loved cartoonists are calling on Congress to not back down and take action to enact common sense gun laws that will prevent violence and save lives.

How many more classrooms? How many more shopping malls? How many more movie theaters? How many more college campuses?

The cartoonists who contributed to the Cartoonists Demand Action To End Gun Violence video are:

Lalo Alcaraz
Bill Amend
Ruben Bolling
Jim Borgman
Steve Brodner
Roz Chast
Jeff Keane
Rick Kirkman
Peter Kuper
Mike Luckovich
David Mazzucchelli
Stephan Pastis
Mike Peters
Lincoln Peirce
Dan Piraro
Ted Rall
Dave Roman
Jerry Scott
Art Spiegelman
Raina Telgemeier
Tom Tomorrow
Garry Trudeau
Mo Willems

Samuel Warde
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