Young Boy Protests Gay Marriage On Easter Sunday (VIDEO)

Young boy protests gay marriageOn Easter Sunday, an obviously very young boy (I would guess around 11 or 12 years of age) was captured on video protesting a North Carolina church’s recent pledge to stop performing marriage ceremonies until gay marriage is legal.

Having grown up in Texas, I have seen children used in such a fashion over the years and cannot help but question the tactic.  At that time (and presumably still today) there were even vacation Bible School camps and classes teaching children, who were way to young to even understand, how to respond to police encounters, counter protesters and the media.  It seems these self professed “kind and loving parents” thought it prudent to save a buck or two and a possible criminal record by putting their children on the firing line instead of themselves as the penalties for minors for such infractions are nominal – particularly when contrasted with the potentially steep fines for adults.

While I am a strong First Amendment rights advocate, I wonder if and when we should draw a line when it comes to involving young children in the public affairs of adults.  And I shudder at the thought of children being arrested, finger-printed and booked – the whole nine yards – fighting for causes clearly outside the scope of their ability to understand.

That being said, you can watch the video below followed by additional information regarding the issue at hand.

On March 17th of this year, the Green Street United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem church published the following release on their website:

Public Statement on Marriage, Standing in Solidarity with LGBTQ members.

Winston-Salem, NC – Members of the Leadership Council of Green Street United Methodist Church published a Public Statement on Marriage at a Press Conference on March 17, 2013 at 2 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Green Street UMC, 639 S. Green Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101.

On the matter of same-sex marriage, Green Street UMC sees injustice in the legal position of state government and the theological position of our denomination.  North Carolina prohibits same-sex marriage and all the rights and privileges marriage brings.  The Leadership Council has asked that their ministers join others who refuse to sign any State marriage licenses until this right is granted to same- sex couples.

Because the United Methodist Church prohibits its pastors from conducting same- sex weddings, excluding gay and lesbian couples from the holy sacrament of marriage, the Leadership Council has asked the pastor to refrain from conducting wedding ceremonies in our sanctuary for straight couples, until the denomination lifts its ban for same-sex couples.

Green Street UMC is presently the only Reconciling Congregation in the Western North Carolina Conference.  With a growing number of LGBTQ members, Green Street seeks to be a public witness to its community, Conference and denomination.

The following documents are available regarding the statement on marriage:

A Public Statement on Weddings at Green Street Church | [Download the PDF Document]

A Pastoral Letter to GSUMC Concerning Marriage in the Church | [Download the PDF Document]

Frequently Asked Questions Re: the Public Statement on Marriage | [Download the PDF Document]

What is the United Methodist Church’s position on homosexuality? | [Download the PDF Document]


Samuel Warde
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