Birthers Round Two: Are you kidding me? (GUEST RANT)

Birthers Round Two: Are you kidding me?

This keeps getting better and better.

Now Donald Trump is, again, trying to stir up the ‘birther’ issue… And already that can of wormy right wing ‘logic’ is making him step on his own tongue. Now, let me run my understanding past my friends’ sanity check.

The claim is that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya. The President has a birth certificate showing his birthplace to be Honolulu, Hawaii. That’s actually about it… There is no evidence of any alternate birthplace save that concocted by manipulating data records to suggest his mother was elsewhere (-not that she was in Africa but a student in Seattle).

This isn’t (and never has been) an ‘issue’; it’s a blatant effort by right wing extremists to create one. And while dignified ‘pundits’ have to carefully and obliquely hint that it’s racially based, I have no such restriction: It is, exactly and emphatically, racially based.

And now there’s a twist in the logic that’s equally emphatic, and impossible to ignore.

Not being born in the United States, it turns out, isn’t the point of the theory. Mitt Romney was born in Mexico, but to American parents. The issue is, apparently, to have been born outside the US to non-US citizens. So, theoretically, Barack Obama could have born in Kenya and it wouldn’t matter, except that his father was Kenyan. His mother was never anything but a US citizen, of course; but the crux of the ‘birther’ contention is that his if he was born in Kenya and his father NOT a US citizen, he cannot be President.

The contention is moot, of course, but here’s the developing good part.

Ted Cruz, freshman Texas senator (whose rhetoric is anything but ‘fresh’), has never shied away from the birther conspiracy. Which is singularly ironic since he’s openly in the hunt for the GOP presidential nomination, glossing over the fact that he himself was born in Canada. This he shrugs off because, after all, his mother was a US citizen… which makes the fact that his father was a Cuban immigrant not relevant. After all, his father did (years after Ted’s birth) become a US citizen.

Really-? I’m sorry… -No, wait a minute, I’m not ‘sorry’ at all, -to point out that if the right rolls over to accepting this argument, the reality of the racial source of the Obama ‘birther conspiracy’ is as as clear as a neon bill board at night on the highway to Las Vegas. Because even IF Barack Obama had been born outside the US it was to a mother who was every bit the citizen that Cruz’s was.

The whole question is void for Obama, born in the United States. But if the GOP base is hanging themselves on even the possibility that he wasn’t, while it doesn’t matter for ‘tea party Cruz’ an ugliness is glaringly stark-

The difference is the race of the father.


Contributed by Chris Braun

Donald Trump on ‘This Week’ – ABC News’ Jonathan Karl speaks with Donald Trump in Iowa.

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