Jon Stewart Trashes CNN – Praises & Trashes Fox News

Jon Stewart: Fox News' Success vs. CNN's FailureJon Stewart trashes CNN and both praises and trashes Fox News in this classic interview with Larry King from an interview promoting his Restoring Sanity Rally back in 2010.

Speaking of CNN, Stewart noted:

“I think CNN has an opportunity to be a real arbiter. But being a real arbiter means taking a stand, not just having people on you’re on- you know, you’re on the left, you’re on the right. That’s like having people on in the cola wars. You’re from Pepsi. You’re from Coke. What do you think? I think we taste great. I think we taste great. That’s all the time we have (King laughs)- both terrific points of view, you know? It’s about being authoritative, about earning credibility. And CNN, more than anybody, has the infrastructure to be able to accomplish that, and instead, they make a holographic Jessica Yellin and they just make her come up as a holograph on election night. Do you remember that?”

Moving on to Fox News, Stewart added:

KING: But Fox, you think they’re fair and honest in reporting?

STEWART: What!? No! God no.

KING: But that’s their motto.

STEWART: What? That’s their motto?

KING: Yes.

STEWART: Well, that’s a complete lie.

KING: Okay.

STEWART: No, I think they’re tenacious. I think they are confident, and they are showing the model of how to build an organization that believes in something. I think what they believe- I think it is wrong-headed for a news organization. I think they’ve built an incredible political organization- really effective political organization.

KING: So it’s a political organization?

STEWART: Yes, that’s right.

You can see the exchange below:

Samuel Warde
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