Bill Maher on Fox News: ‘Facts never get in the way’

Bill Maher shared his perspective on Fox News with Piers Morgan on Tuesday, noting:

“The difference between Fox and MSNBC is you can fact-check what they say on MSNBC and they are very rarely wrong. They are not flying in the face of facts.

Fact-check what they say on Fox. You will find almost every night Bill O’Reilly says something that is insanely off-base and not true. It doesn’t matter.

What Republicans do is they meet in their lair. They get their talking points straight.  All together they go out on the talk shows and say the exact same talking points – things like, well Obamacare is causing people to fire workers and hire them back as part-timers. Completely not true. They don’t care. Facts never get in the way of their talking points.

And for people who only listen to Fox News, they can wake up with Matt Drudge and have lunch with Rush Limbaugh and go to bed with Bill O’Reilly and that’s all they are going to know – is what they hear there, and very often these people do not care what the truth is. “

[Click here to watch Maher discuss his views on Obamacare.]

You can watch the clip below courtesy of CNN:

Samuel Warde
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