Lawmaker Under Fire For Racist Jokes at Sheriff Joe Arpaio Roast (VIDEO)

Lawmaker Under Fire For Racist Jokes at Sheriff Joe Arpaio Roast

“The SPLC has obtained exclusive audio of an Arizona legislator mocking Latinos and other minorities with racially charged jokes at a recent roast of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio at the Western Conservative Conference. Arpaio is under the scrutiny of a federal monitor appointed last year by a judge who found his deputies have engaged in racial profiling of Latinos during immigration sweeps and traffic stops.” SOURCE

Representative John Kavanagh spoke at a roast for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Some critics say his jokes crossed the line from funny to downright offensive.

With the sheriff seated just next to the state rep the jokes started off pretty tame, but things got worse – quickly. Here are a few examples:

“Did you know Sheriff Arpaio prays every night that hell go prematurely bald so he can look as cool as Sheriff Babeu.”
“Sheriff Joe is the kind of guy you have got to love as long as you have papers”
“Going out with sheriff Joe is always an adventure.. Because we go into a restaurant most of the wait staff and cooks jump out the back window and when they don’t I never know what the hell is in my food”

You can watch a news clip from Fox 10 Arizona, below, followed by the audio clips from The Southern Poverty Law Center.

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Exclusive: Latinos Are Punch Line at Joe Arpaio Roast

Samuel Warde
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