ABC6 Columbus, Ohio, reports that a group of billboards located throughout central Ohio saying Jesus is Muslim. (yes we used the present tense.) and Mohammed is in the Bible. (yes we used the present tense.) has “so offended one local minister that he says he’s taking his message to the streets this weekend.”
Dave Daubenmire, of Pass the Salt Ministries, says he plans to organize a rally. Daubenmire says he and others in his ministry were shocked to see billboards bearing “Jesus Is Muslim” and “Mohammed is in the Bible” messages.
Kenneth Tour, who practices the Islamic faith, says the signs are paid for by “Ask A” and are meant to strike up a conversation about religion and faith. Tour says he became a Muslim about five years ago. He says he believes the billboards are a good way to spark interest in his religion.
You can watch a news clip on the controversy below from a conservative Christian group:
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