Rachel Maddow: Bush Decision To Enter Iraq Defines Obama’s Foreign Policy (VIDEO)

Bush Decision To Enter Iraq Defines Obama's Foreign Policy

Rachel Maddow joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss her new MSNBC documentary “Why We Did It” and how the Bush Administration’s decision to enter Iraq now affects all of Pres. Obama’s foreign policy.

Maddow spoke with Mitchell Monday during an interview on Andrea Mitchell Reports and related that the content of her documentary about the lead-up to the Iraq War relates directly to the current foreign policy issues surrounding the Ukraine and Syria.

Maddow told Mitchell:

“The question is the most important part. The decisions of our generation on national security are determined more than anything by what the George W. Bush administration did with that 9-year war in Iraq and, alongside it, a 13-year war in Afghanistan that’s still going on.
“Those are the determinative constraints for our thinking about everything from Crimea, to Syria, to what the overall size of the U.S. military is.
“If we want to avoid having this kind of protracted foreign occupations, like we did under the previous president, we can’t effectively make good decisions about that until we understand why we did that.”

You can watch the interview below:

Samuel Warde
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