3 Policies More Racist Than Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy (VIDEO)


Reason TV reports that “Racist rants by federal lands moocher Cliven Bundy and vile comments attributed to Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling have put old-school racism back in the news.”

But let’s get real. However contemptible, Bundy and Sterling aren’t what’s holding down blacks and other minorities in today’s America.

Here are three policies that, whatever their original intentions, systematically screw over poor blacks and other minorities.

Theses policies include:

  1. Barriers to work.
  2. The Drug War
  3. The Education Monopoly

They can (and should) go #fuck themselves, but if the rest of us actually want to address the sort of racism that is screwing over today’s minorities, we’d do well to bust down barriers to work, end the drug war, and tear apart the school monopoly.

About 2 minutes. Written and hosted by Nick Gillespie and produced by Meredith Bragg.

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Samuel Warde
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