Rev. Gatewood with Madison Kimrey, Moral Monday rally, June 23, 2014
The Rev. Curtis Everette. Gatewood posted an incredible prayer for former Vice-President Dick Cheney’s heart last week on his Facebook profile.
If you are unfamilier with Rev. Gatewood, his bio is more than impressive. At the young age of ten, he became a card carrying member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and has gone on to serve that organization in several capacities over the years. From 1995 to 2003, he served as President of the Durham Branch of the NAACP and from 2005 to 2011, Rev. Gatewood served as 2nd Vice President of the North Carolina NAACP. Rev. Gatewood has also served as the “North Carolina Field Director for ‘One Nation Working Together‘ – a national initiative spearheaded by the National NAACP and National AFL-CIO,” as reported by CUCC News.
His accomplishments as an activist and community organizer are too numerous to site here. CUCC News reports that most recently, “Rev. Gatewood works closely with NC NAACP Chair Dr. Barber in the Moral Monday and Forward Together Moral Movement and on April 29, 2013 became the first of the nearly 1,000 Moral Monday detainees to be arrested during acts of civil disobedience. “
You can read his prayer for Dick Cheney’s Heart below, followed by its post on his Facebook profile.
All of America should be praying for Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s heart. The sickness of this man’s heart requires a prognosis and cure beyond the experts within the medical field.
Lord we are praying for Vice President Cheney’s heart. There is blockage which obviously causes more damage than fatty substances and evidently cannot be cured by the most advanced forms of transfusion and transplantation. The sickness of Brother Cheney’s heart requires God’s divine intervention at its most cleansing and supreme form.
I am praying without ceasing, because none of God’s creatures on this earth deserve such a profoundly troubled heart.
Please Jesus!
SPECIAL NOTE: You can see Madison Kimrey in the photo above with Rev. Gatewood from this week’s Moral Monday rally. Madison Kimrey is a student, actress, writer and teen activist who fights for LGBT rights, humane treatment of animals, women’s rights and promotes youth activism and participation in democracy. You can follow her blog, Functional Human Being and you can find her other work on her Liberals Unite writer’s page.
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