Bill O’Reilly Lies, Says Liberal Justices Want Tax-Payer Funded Abortion (VIDEO)

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O’Reilly was at it again on Monday night, distorting the truth well past the breaking point.

During the Talking Points Commentary portion of his Monday show, O’Reilly ranted and raved about the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling claiming it “pitted liberal America against traditional religious America.”

He went on to state that

The Obama administration wants all companies to fund things like the morning after pill, which many religious Americans believe is an abortion-inducing medication. “

O’Reilly then arrives to the point of his great lie for the night – that in voting against Hobby Lobby, the four liberal justices serving on the Supreme Court were voting for taxpayer funded abortions:

The very disturbing part of the Supreme Court’s opinion is that the four liberal justices apparently believe that American taxpayers should fund abortions”.

Better yet, O’Reilly then goes on to blame Obama:

What are these four liberal judges thinking about? Do they not understand that the Obama administration has screwed up just about everything? […] Yet four members of the Supreme Court want to empower the government even further.”

You can watch the segment below:


Samuel Warde
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