Spokane’s First Legal Marijuana Buyer’s Job Goes ‘Up In Smoke’ (VIDEO)


KXLY reports: “Someone had to be first, and in Spokane that person was Mike Boyer, dressed appropriately in a tie-dyed T-shirt, who took Tuesday off from work to be the first person in line at Spokane Green Leaf to buy marijuana.”

30-year-old Michael Boyer waited in line for 19 hours “outside retail pot shop Spokane Green Leaf. “I brought my surplus army sleeping bag and bedroll. I brought my Doritos and Mountain Dew. I was stylin’!” Boyer said to Vocativ.

However,  as BuzzFeed reports, “the attention backfired. As soon as Boyer arrived home he got a call from his boss saying he would be required to take a drug test, which he would obviously fail, for his guard job with Kodiak Security Services.”

Boyer told Vocativ he had no regrets, stating: “I’m still the captain! I’m still number one! I mean, a man can always can get a job. But a man can only be the first person to buy recreational cannabis in Spokane once. “

Vocativ adds:

By Wednesday, he was already back in the saddle and looking to seize the day. Boyer even published an epic résumé on Craigslist by noon. He titled the post, “LOST MY JOB! still #1 tho!!”

“I lost my job due to the news coverage of me being the FIRST PERSON TO BUY MARIJUANA LEGALLY IN SPOKANE!” Boyer wrote. “I regret nothing. But now im [sic] jobless and have decided to post my resume here. Thanks for reviewing it.”

You can watch a news clip, below from KXLY:


Samuel Warde
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