Stolen Flag Flown Over WTC Rubble Returned To Family Of Firefighter Killed On 9/11


An American flag that was flown over the World Trade Center ruins was returned to the sister of a firefighter who was killed on 9/11 after being stolen early last week.

The flag was flown over the flown over the ruins of the World Trade center during the cleanup and was given to Melissa Brengel by the September 11th Families Association.

WNBC-NY reported that: “We put it out during certain times of the year just to remember,” she said, adding: “I don’t think there’s a way [the thief] could have known, but at the same time, they’re coming onto my property and taking something that means so much to me and so many Americans.”

Brengel’s brother Jonathan Ielpi was a 29-year-old FDNY firefighter working out of Squad 288 in Queens when he died on Sept. 11.

Brengel posted about the theft on her Facebook page on Tuesday:

And on Friday, the 4th of July, she was able to happily report its return:

You can watch a news clip, below, about the initial theft of the flag:

Samuel Warde
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