Fox News Producer Posts Deceptive Edited Graph To Skew Public Opinion Regarding Police Brutality and Racism


Austin Petersen, a former Fox News producer and editor-in-chief of the Libertarian Republic, got caught posting an altered image on his fan page in a lame-ass attempt to skew public opinion regarding police brutality and its all too frequent connection to racism.

The original graph appeared in a Vox article entitled: What we know about who police kill in America. 

The article was an in-depth study of shootings by police, with part of the article detailing the racial makeup of victims of those shootings.


However, when the same graphic appeared on Petersen’s page, the top bar, detailing the racial makeup of the USA, was missing, completely skewing the point of the graph by removing the portion detailing the fact that only 13% of the U.S. population is black while 63% is white.

As you can note from the post, above, Petersen is called out for the deception rather quickly by Claudio Espinoza who posts the unaltered chart and writes: “When including the population distribution, it doesn’t paint the picture for the point I think you were trying to make.”

Of note, Petersen’s bio on his page is as follows:

Austin Petersen is the Editor in Chief of The Libertarian Republic as well as CEO of Stonegait LLC. Formerly the Director of Production at FreedomWorks, Petersen was also an Associate Producer for Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show, “Freedom Watch” on the Fox Business Network.
His work has appeared in Getty, Reuters, the LA Times, NBC and Time Magazine, Fox News, Sun News Network, Russia Today, al Jazeera America and dozens of local and national radio shows.

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