Obama Scores Another Victory This Week


Obama has had a great week so far scoring 3 huge victories on Monday and another on Tuesday.

Once again, the Affordable Care Act – or Obamacare and many have dubbed it – has scored a huge victory with its annual open-enrollment session.

As NBC News reports, the number of people signing up this year far exceeded the Obama administration’s expectations with more than 9.5 million people signing up for health insurance on the Obamacare online marketplaces.

Better yet, “[m]ore than one-third are under 35 – an important consideration for the insurance companies offering plans on the exchanges, as they need younger, healthier people to help pay for sicker people who will use their insurance coverage more.”

This good news for President Obama comes at a great time. As Kimberley reported on Tuesday, Obama already delivered three “knockout blows” to Republicans on Monday with news that the latest Gallup Poll shows his approval rating at 50 percent, the highest it has been in 19 months; and that Congressional Budget Office reports show the deficit shrinking to its lowest point since Obama became president and that Obamacare will cost 20 percent less than originally estimated.

And of course, this is all in the wake of the complete failure of Republicans to repeal Obamacare, pass the Keystone Pipeline Project or overturn the President’s recent immigration actions.

Oh well, must suck to be you Republicans!

Samuel Warde
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