Jon Stewart Body Slams Fox News Hypocrisy – VIDEO


Jon Stewart body slammed Fox News hypocrisy during Thursday’s episode of The Daily Show.

In specific, Stewart called out the conservative network for their skewed coverage of events in Ferguson as opposed to the faux-scandal of Benghazi.

Stewart noted that in the wake of Officer Darren Wilson being cleared of all charges, Fox News was demanding apologies from everyone from President Obama to the general public for the “hands up, don’t shoot” rhetoric while completely ignoring the Department of Justice report showing wide spread racism within the Ferguson police department and judicial system.

At the same time, Fox News has completely ignored countless reports clearing the Obama administration of any wrong-doing regarding Benghazi.

Stewart pointed out that:

The lesson Fox News is getting at is very clear. Wouldn’t it be nice if people who jumped to conclusions and peddled a false, divisive, anger-stoking narrative had to apologize for misleading America?

Speaking to Fox News coverage of Benghazi, Stewart noted that:

They demand accountability for anger and divisiveness whilst holding themselves entirely unaccountable for their anger and divisiveness,” he said. “For two years, they used Benghazi as shorthand, as a symbol for the whole concept of a corrupt, lying, tyrannical, possible murderous Obama White House, kind of like other people used ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ as a symbol for systemic racism, and there’s only really one difference between the two phenomenon: systemic racism actually exists.

Jon Stewart Body Slams Fox News Hypocrisy – VIDEO

Samuel Warde
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