Trump ‘Presents A Threat To American Democracy’ – The Washington Post

Mr Donald Trump New Hampshire Town Hall on August 19th, 2015 at Pinkerton Academy, Derry, NH by Michael Vadon 02.jpg

The Washington Post is calling on the GOP to stop Trump as he presents a clear threat to American democracy.

The editorial board for The Washington Post called on the Republican Party to do everything in its power “to force a brokered convention and nominate a conservative candidate who respects the Constitution, or to defeat Mr. Trump in some other way.

The Washington Post begins by explaining that they “do not take this position” because they “believe Mr. Trump is perilously wrong on the issues, although he is.” No, they believe that “Mr. Trump must be stopped because he presents a threat to American democracy.”

Mr. Trump resembles other strongmen throughout history who have achieved power by manipulating democratic processes. Their playbook includes a casual embrace of violence; a willingness to wield government powers against personal enemies; contempt for a free press; demonization of anyone who is not white and Christian; intimations of dark conspiracies; and the propagation of sweeping, ugly lies. Mr. Trump has championed torture and the murder of innocent relatives of suspected terrorists. He has flirted with the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists. He has libeled and stereotyped wide swaths of humanity, including Mexicans and Muslims.

After detailing more of their concerns, The Washington Post concluded by addressing Trump’s threats of mass rioting if he does not receive the Republican party nomination at the GOP Convention. Speaking with CNN, Trump said that were he denied the nomination: “I think you’d have riots. I think you’d have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen.”

A democrat disavows violence; a demagogue wields it as a threat. The Republican Party should recognize the difference and act on it before it is too late.

Featured Image: By Michael Vadon – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Samuel Warde
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