Voters Want Congress To Be Led By Democrats - Poll

Voters Want Congress To Be Led By Democrats – Poll

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Poll – More Voters Prefer Democrats in Congress. GOP Down-Ballot Races in Jeopardy!

The latest polls are devastating for Donald Trump, with the latest Fox News national poll showing Hillary Clinton beating him by 10 points – 49 to 39 percent.

As Vox reports: “a McClatchy-Marist poll released Thursday shows Clinton ahead by a massive 15 points — real landslide territory and easily the best recent poll she’s gotten, with her at 48 percent compared to Trump’s 33 percent.”

“In Pennsylvania, a state most observers believe is a must-win for Trump, considering how the electoral math is shaping up, Franklin & Marshall has a new poll showing him trailing Clinton by 11 points — 49 percent to 38 percent.”

Republicans are concerned that Trump’s unpopularity will negatively impact down-ballot races with Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell telling GOP Senators as early as March of this year to go rogue if necessary to insure their re-election efforts.

Huffington Post reported at the time that “Republican senators facing tough re-election contests may have to figure out how to distance themselves from the party’s presidential nominee, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) suggested.”

“Senate races are statewide races. You can craft your own message for your own people,” McConnell said during an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Fast-forwarding to this week, the latest national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Democrats holding “a four point lead in which party American voters want to control Congress.”

“Forty-seven percent of registered voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress, while 43 percent prefer a GOP-controlled one.”

Republicans currently control both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

Samuel Warde
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