John McCain Schools Trump On Fighting Tyranny And Corruption – Not Supporting It

John McCain

“Trump should be allied with those fighting tyranny and corruption, not those inflicting it.” – Sen. John McCain

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) penned an op-ed piece for USA Today encouraging Trump to do his moral duty and oppose Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Published early Monday morning, the op-ed tells the story of “The courageous Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza [who] would like to see the governments of Russia and the United States become moral equals — to know that both protect their peoples’ rights to liberty and equal justice, and that both are comparable forces for good in the world.”

However, as McCain explains:

He now fights for his life in a Moscow hospital bed, poisoned by an as yet unknown substance likely on the order of a Russian regime that believes morality is weakness and an impediment to national greatness. The autocrat at the head of that regime, Vladimir Putin, operates like the boss of an organized crime syndicate that robs and oppresses the Russian people, and causes immense harm and suffering in the world.

McCain goes on to detail Putin’s many attempts to subvert world order and global peace. He writes of his efforts to “abet the war crimes of the Assad regime” in Syria instead of fighting ISIS.

He writes that “On Putin’s order, Russian security services try to destabilize NATO allies the U.S. has sworn to defend. They interfered in our presidential election and are conducting cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns to support Putin allies in European elections and destroy the European Union.”

Turning to the United States and Trump, McCain writes that: “Putin’s Russia is our adversary and moral opposite. It is committed to the destruction of the post-war, rule-based, world order built on American leadership and the primacy of our political and economic values.” [emphasis added]

From that world order, the United States has accrued vast wealth and power, and a greater share of humanity than ever has escaped tyranny and poverty,” he continues, adding: “Its preservation must remain the first security priority of the United States government.” [emphasis added]

McCain warns that “There is no placating Putin. There is no transforming him from a gangster to a responsible statesman. Previous administrations have tried and failed not because they didn’t try hard enough, but because Putin wants no part of it. He rejects our values and our vision of a free, stable, peaceful, prosperous international order.”

Putin wants a return to a world of competing great powers, where tactical alliances and rivalries are formed to serve the narrowest national interests and shun the values Americans believe are universal. It is the world of the past, the world before the U.S. became a superpower. It is the world that produced two world wars, colonial empires and dehumanizing ideologies advanced by oppression and slaughter. Its return would be a catastrophe for the United States and the world.

McCain ends by returning his focus to Vladimir Kara-Murza, writing: “I’ve watched him fight to bring the Kremlin’s crimes to world attention. I’ve listened to him urge the free world’s opposition to Putinism and inspire his fellow Russians to demand their human rights be respected by their government.”

His is a voice of great moral clarity and compassion, and I hope we will hear it again summoning us to our moral duty. Americans, including our president, need to hear his voice. Russia needs to hear it. The world needs to hear it.


Vladimir Kara-Murza and all who risk their lives to free Russia from tyranny and corruption are our allies. They are our moral equals. And the president of the United States, the nation that has been the greatest force for good in human history, should be the first among us to recognize that.

McCain, who has been openly critical of Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, posted the article on his Facebook page less than an hour ago.

The post has already received scores of comments, many calling on him to pursue an investigation into the relationship between Trump and other administration officials with Putin and other Russian elements.

  • Many of the commenters were demanding an investigation into the administration’s alleged ties to Russia: “Please pursue an investigation into the relationship, including the actions of Michael Flynn. I am not suggesting a witch-hunt. Rather, a thoughtful, independent review of the Trump-Putin ties. I am very alarmed by the behavior of this administration and am looking for level-headed assessment of the events. I am a constituent from Glendale, AZ, and I vote.
  • Another wrote of possible treason by Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn: “A day doesn’t go by when I don’t wish or pray that you lead the Republican Party out of the hole it’s gotten itself into. Gen. Mike Flynn conspiring with the Russians? Really? Senator McCain, should we be looking his actions as treason? Please, sir. There are millions of us who are anxiously waiting for you and your Congressional colleagues to stand up for our freedoms. Steve Bannon on the NSC? Another travesty! Please, Senator McCain….
  • Turning to one of the Trump administration’s favorite topics, “fake news,” others complained about poor coverage by Fox News: “Fox News is the reason so many Americans do not understand this. Go to their Facebook page and look at their “coverage” of Putin. It is laughable. Yet for so many Americans this is their only news source. No wonder they are confused. They are being deliberately misled.
  • Several others write of impeachment: “Trump needs to be impeached asap. I know you know that. Lead the way. Lead the way. Lead the way! We don’t have much time. Get your colleagues in line. Your country needs you desperately. You know in your heart this needs to happen. Do it!!!!! This isn’t politics anymore. Do the right thing.

Time will tell what happens, but Trump’s alleged connections to Russia are not going away anytime soon.


Samuel Warde
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