The Simpsons Shows Trump Attempting To Bribe Robert Mueller – Video

Robert Mueller meets with President Donald Trump…

The long-running animated comedy series, The Simpsons, mocked Trump’s problems associated with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation in a clip posted to their Facebook page on Thursday.

The clip began with Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions picking Mueller up in a limousine. Mueller warns that he’d better not be taking him to see Trump.

“You’re not taking me to see the president are you?” Mueller asks. “You know I can’t.”

“What are you talking about? Our president would never stay in an overstated, rip-off joint like this,” Sessions responds – as the limo pulls up to Washington D.C.’s Trump International Hotel.

Mueller is then escorted through the back door of the hotel, with the door bearing a sign reading: “Russians Welcome.”

Sessions opens another door leading to Trump.

“No, Mr. Mueller go right through that door,” Sessions says, adding “unimpeachables first.”

Trump turns to face Mueller – the dog perched on his head reversing himself making Trump’s face visible.

“Oh hi, Bob. Come on in. Don’t worry, I’m not going to fire you. I wanted to share something with you,” Trump explains while pulling a lever and showering the two of them will piles of cash – eventually reaching up to their necks.

“That’s $750 million, Bob,” Trump says.

In typical Trump-speak, he adds: “There’s never been a bigger one. I do the best bribes, everyone says so — the best! Everyone says so.”

“Mr. President, you have the right to remain silent,” Mueller responds before being interrupted by Trump – who says “pardon me.”

Mueller interjects “I said you,” but is interrupted by Trump – yet again.

“Oh, I’m not talking to you, I tried to pardon myself,” Trump explains, to which Mueller responds “It won’t work.”

Trump then tries to bribe him, offering to make him a judge at the Miss Universe Pageant.

“And if you want to see this year’s girls – just go in the door that says ‘don’t go in,'” Trumps adds.

“That’s enough. I’m out of here,” Mueller proclaims before exiting the room.

The clip ends with Trump exiting the room as a cleaning lady enters. Removing her maid’s outfit she reveals her true identity to be that of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz (D).

“Finally, Puerto Rico catches a break,” she says as she begins to vacuum up all the cash.

The final frame of the clip reads:

Please help for real: 

  • 34% of Puerto Rico is still without electricity. 
  • Hurricane Maria left $94 billion in damages. 
  • Most of Puerto Rico still has no drinking water. 
  • @UNICEFUSA #OneAmericaAppeal @SaveTheChildren. 

You can watch the clip, below:


Samuel Warde
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