Fox News Poll: Mueller Approval Rating Spikes


Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s approval rating showed a significant upward spike in Fox News‘ latest poll, and expectations that Mueller’s investigation will find that Donald Trump committed criminal or impeachable offenses rose as well.

A Fox News poll released Wednesday showed a majority of registered voters approve of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, constituting an 11% increase of last month poll results.

Participants were first asked: “Do you approve or disapprove of Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia and potential obstruction of justice charges against members of the Trump administration?

A strong majority, 59% said they approve, 37% said they disapprove, and 4% said they didn’t know.

That was a significant leap from the Fox News polling which came out in July with 48% approve, 40 disapprove, and 12% didn’t know.

Participants were also asked: “How likely do you think it is that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will find that Donald Trump committed criminal or impeachable offenses?

24% responded extremely, 16% very, 19% somewhat, 34% not at all, and 8% didn’t know.

The polling figures from July were less optimistic: 19% responded extremely, 16% very, 21% somewhat, 37% not at all, and 8% didn’t know.

Reporting on the poll, The Hill noted that:

It is unclear whether some people were polled after news broke Tuesday that Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was convicted of eight counts of tax and bank fraud and after the president’s former longtime attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight charges, including one of campaign finance violations.

The Cohen and Manafort developments marked a significant breakthrough for Mueller’s investigation, putting Trump and his allies on the offensive. The conviction and guilty plea do not rule out the possibility of either former Trump associate cooperating with Mueller’s probe in order to reduce potential jail sentences.

Some other points of interest in the Fox News poll included the following figures:

Asked: “Right now, how interested are you in the November elections?” the numbers have seen a consistent rise the last few months with 47% saying extremely for August, 46% in July, and 42% in June.

Asked: “If the election for Congress were held today, would you vote for the Democratic candidate in your district or the Republican candidate in your district?

The latest results showed 49% saying Democratic, 38% Republican, 3% saying other, and 9% undecided/don’t know.

Participants were also asked two questions regarding health care.

The first question was: “In general, do you favor or oppose the U.S. moving to a national single-payer health plan, often called Medicare for all?

46% were in favor, 31% opposed, and 23% responded they didn’t know.

The second question asked: “Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have affordable health care, or is that not the responsibility of the government?

63% responded “Yes, it is the responsibility of the federal government. 30% said “No, it isn’t.” And 7% said “I don’t know.

Samuel Warde
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