Trump Is Going To Flip Out When He Sees This New Campaign Ad

FOX BIZ NEWS: Michael Avenatti is a more shameful, losing version of Jose Baez: Kennedy

Inspired by recent events, Eleven Films makes a Michael Avenatti For President 2020 campaign ad – and Trump isn’t going to like it one bit.

If there is one person who can out-Trump Trump, it’s outspoken attorney Michael Avenatti.

CNN reported last week that: “Michael Avenatti, the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels, positioned himself on Friday [August 10]  in Iowa as the only possible presidential candidate prepared to hit President Donald Trump as hard as Trump hits Democrats.”

Avenatti, who had told CNN on Thursday that he was seriously considering a presidential bid, delivered a complete rebuke of the idea that Democrats need to go high in a response to a President who often likes to go low, a maxim first delivered by then-first lady Michelle Obama but fully embraced by some Democrats during the Trump era.

“What I fear for this Democratic Party that I love is that we have a tendency to bring nail clippers to gunfights,” Avenatti told the enthusiastic crowd. “Tonight I want to suggest a different course. I believe that the Democratic Party must be a party that fights fire with fire.”

Offering a twist on former First Lady Michelle Obama’s declaration at the 2016 Democratic National Convention: “When they go low, we go high,” Avenatti proclaimed: “When they go low, I say we hit harder.”

Time provided the following background to Avenatti’s remarks:

Avenatti, the self-styled provocateur taking on the president for porn actress Stormy Daniels, has told Iowa Democrats that the party needs a bare-knuckle fighter to take back the White House. It’s a role he is considering filling himself.

In a political scene unthinkable just months ago, Avenatti was the closing speaker at the Democratic Wing Ding in Clear Lake, Iowa, a traditional stop for presidential hopefuls. His remarks came after a tour through the early-voting state that included a visit to the state fair and meetings with key Democratic officials.

Avenatti followed up a few days later, pinning a post to his Twitter page detailing his position on a variety of issues.

Explaining that the list was not “exhaustive,” he tweeted: “Many have asked me my position on various issues. Below is a summary of where I stand. This is not an exhaustive list and more positions & details will follow. Most importantly, I didn’t have to hire a pollster or political consultant to tell me what to say or what to believe.”

Inspired, media production company Eleven Films decided to make an unofficial campaign ad for Avenatti, explaining on their Facebook page:

Eleven Films was not paid in any way to make this film. We were just inspired to!

Coming in at slightly less than a minute, the clip offers a strong rebuke to Trump and his regressive administration.

The clip begins with a news commentator staring directly at the camera asking: “Did the president just get a new challenger for 2020?”

The clip then shows Avenatti giving a speech, declaring: “What we are fighting for is nothing short of the survival of the republic.”

Continuing, the clip shows Avenatti telling a reporter that he he is qualified [presumably to be president], because he has “three things this president lacks: brains, heart… and courage.”

The 58-second campaign ad next shows portions of Avenatti’s Iowa speech, speaking out about the important issues at stake.

“What we are fighting for is Roe versus Wade, equal pay, equality, women’s rights, and gay rights. This is what we are fighting for,” Avenatti proclaimed.

The ad cuts to Avenatti telling a reporter that: “I think it’s going to be a brutal campaign,” before cutting back to the Iowa speech.

“When they go low, I say we hit harder,” Avenatti tells the crowd.

The ad cuts back to Avenatti completing his earlier remark to a reporter: “And I think it’s going to require someone to engage in a significant cage match for the future of this country.”

The ads ends with Avenatti’s trademark “Basta!”, then the words: “Make America America again,” full screen with Avenatti’s voice proclaiming: “We are the party of Davids and when you are the party of Davids you cannot afford to show up without a slingshot.”

You can watch the clip, below:




Samuel Warde
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