Andy Borowitz Takes Aim At Trump And His Pro-Men, Anti-Women Remarks

Donald Trump

The New Yorker columnist Andy Borowitz delivered the perfect response to Trump telling reporters that it’s “a very scary time for young men in America.” 

Trump made headlines twice this this week for expressing his concerns for men who stand accused of sexual assault.

Speaking with reporters at the White House before he left on his trip to Philadelphia and Mississippi, Trump told reporters that this is a “very scary time for young men in America” because of the recent wave of accusations lodged against powerful men, to include his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The Washington Post reported on those remarks. “If you can be an exemplary person for 35 years and then somebody comes and they say, ‘You did this or that,’ and they give three witnesses and the three witnesses, at this point, do not corroborate what they were saying – it’s a very scary situation where you’re guilty until proven innocent,” he said.

Asked what he would say to young men, Trump responded; “I say that it’s a very scary time for young men in America, when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of. This is a very difficult time.”

Trump went on to echo those remarks on Wednesday during a campaign speech in Southaven, Mississippi, according to a report by The New York Times.

New York Times best-selling author and comedian Andy Borowitz took to his column – The Borowitz Report –  and weighed in on those remarks in a brilliant, mocking faux report.

The Satirical piece was titled: “Trump Says It’s a Very Scary Time for Men, Because Women Can Vote Them Out of Office,” and presented Trump at another press conference, fictional this time, however.

In Borowitz’s report, Trump told reporters “It’s very scary right now to be a man “You can do or say something that women don’t like, and suddenly millions of women will come out of the woodwork and vote against you. I think it’s a disgrace.”

“It’s getting to the point where men are not going to be able to ridicule women at their campaign rallies without being terribly afraid that women are going to vote against them,” he continued, as per Borowitz’s spoof. “It’s a very scary time.”

Borowitz also took aim at Donald Trump, Jr., writing:

Later in the day, Donald Trump, Jr., echoed his father’s words. “Last night, when I put my sons to bed, I had to tell them to be nice to girls,” he said. “It broke my heart.”

The Daily Mail reported on Monday that Don Jr. told DailyMailTV that assault allegations made him more concerned for his sons than his daughters in the wake of the “he-said, she-said” controversy surrounding the Kavanaugh allegations.

“I’ve got boys and I’ve got girls,” he told DailyMailTV, “and when I see what’s going on right now, it’s scary.”

The Daily Mail also reported that:

Donald Trump Jr. says that in an age when lives can be ruined on both sides of he-said, she-said sexual misconduct claims, he fears more for his sons than for his daughters.

‘I mean, right now, I’d say my sons,’ the father of five told DailyMailTV during a campaign swing to support Montana Republican U.S. Senate candidate Matt Rosendale.

Samuel Warde
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