Chelsea Manning Allowed to Formally Change Name

NBC reports that “A Kansas judge granted a request Wednesday to formally change the name of the soldier convicted of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks from Bradley Edward Manning to Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.” In a one-minute hearing, Leavenworth County District Judge David King ruled that he would allow the name change. According to NBC, “Manning […]

Bob Dole: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul Not Ready To Be POTUS (VIDEO)

Bob Dole: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul Not Ready To Be POTUS (VIDEO)

Bob Dole questions whether “extreme right-wing” candidates like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul can run for president in an interview with The Wichita Eagle. Asked about possible “Presidential hopefuls for 2016 so far? Can anyone run against Hillary Clinton, if she runs?” Dole responded: “A number of the younger members, first-termers like Rand Paul, (Marco) […]