Zero U.S. Troops Died In Combat In March, The First Month Since 2003

Zero U.S. Troops Died In Combat In March, The First Month Since 2003

Think Progress reports that there were “zero U.S. fatalities among American troops engaging in combat, according to numbers from the Department of Defense.“ This was the first time since the launch of the war in Iraq in 2003. After a decade at war in the post-9/11 environment, with major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and […]

‘Jesus Is Muslim’ And ‘Mohammed is in the Bible’ Billboards Stir Debate (VIDEO)

‘Jesus Is Muslim’ And ‘Mohammed is in the Bible’ Billboards Stir Debate (VIDEO)

ABC6 Columbus, Ohio, reports that a group of billboards located throughout central Ohio saying Jesus is Muslim. (yes we used the present tense.) and Mohammed is in the Bible. (yes we used the present tense.) has “so offended one local minister that he says he’s taking his message to the streets this weekend.” Dave Daubenmire, of […]

Wendy Davis to Greg Abbott: “This Texas gal is calling you out”

Wendy Davis to Greg Abbott: “This Texas gal is calling you out”

Democrat Wendy Davis blasted her Republican rival in the Texas governor’s race last Monday for saying he would veto a law that would make it easier for women to sue their employers over pay discrimination. “This Texas gal is calling you out,” she told about 160 cheering supporters at Scholz’s Beer Garden in Austin. She […]