By Samuel Warde on
Animations, Rollin' Wild animations, what if animals ate at McDonalds, what if animals ate junk food, what if animals were round
Animals, Climate/Nature, Entertainment

What would happen if animals ate at McDonalds? You ever wonder what would happen if animals ate junk food? While that is not exactly what the creative minds behind Rollin’ Wild had in mind, the analogy seems apt once you watch one of their outstanding animations. As CG Society, a global organization for digital artists […]
By Samuel Warde on
Matt Damon, Matt Damon spoofs Brett Kavanaugh, Saturday Night Live, SNL, SNL Cold Open, SNL Takes on Kavanaugh Hearing
Celebrity, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Humor, SNL

Matt Damon kicked off SNL’s 44th season portraying U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a fired up beer-obsessed wreck. Damon’s fiery Brett Kavanaugh was grilled during SNL’s cold open and was joined by Kate McKinnon’s Sen. Lindsey Graham screaming “I will not shut up because this is a bunch of C-R-A-P, crap,” and other noteworthy characters. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bible thumping conservative politicians, Bible-thumping Republicans, John Fugelsang rant, John Fugelsang talks Bible-thumping Republicans, Religious hypocrisy
Elections, Entertainment, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Politics, Religion, Religion and Politics, Smackdowns

With the midterm elections around the corner, now is the perfect time to watch John Fugelsang destroy conservative Christian candidates. Actor, writer, radio and television personality, and political satirist, John Fugelsang delivered an epic monologue on Jesus and Republican presidential candidates while guest hosting The Young Turks network panel show “The Point“. With the midterm […]
By Samuel Warde on
Andy Borowitz, Borowitz Report, New Yorker Magazine Humor, Political Humor, Political satire, The New Yorker
Entertainment, Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

The New Yorker columnist Andy Borowitz delivers the perfect response to Trump’s week from hell. The White House appears to be in tatters in the wake of the release of excerpts from Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear, Trump in the White House,” the publication of an anonymous opinion piece by The New York Times detailing resistance efforts within the Trump […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, George W Bush McCain memorial highlights, Hollywood Activists, John McCain memorial Service, McCain Eulogy highlights
Celebrity, Controversy, Entertainment, Human Interest

Legendary singers and film actresses Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand take to Twitter to speak their minds about our national embarrassment. The New Yorker called Sen. John McCain’s funeral “the biggest resistance meeting yet” in a Saturday article, adding that: “Two ex-Presidents and one eloquent daughter teamed up to rebuke the pointedly uninvited Donald Trump.” […]