Canadian Doctor Smacks Down Smug GOP Senator About Health Care (VIDEO)

Canadian Doctor Smacks Down Smug GOP Senator About Health Care (VIDEO)

Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) had his talking points about the failings of the Canadian health system soundly destroyed by a Canadian doctor. As reported by the Los Angeles Times, Senator Bernie Sanders’ subcommittee on primary health and aging called in several experts from other countries who have “successful and popular government-sponsored single-payer systems, provide universal […]

PlanGOP One Step: Republican Approved Birth Control (VIDEO)

PlanGOP One Step: Republican Approved Birth Control (VIDEO)

PlanGOP is the only Republican approved form of birth control. Director and writer Rod Blackhurst and Josh Murphy created this great piece of political satire which presents a family planning option that Republicans are sure to wish was a real product. With PlanGOP, Republican couples can determine if their unborn child exhibits any signs of […]

Guiness Drops NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sponsorship Over LGBT Exclusion (VIDEO)

Guiness Drops NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sponsorship Over LGBT Exclusion (VIDEO)

Famed Irish brewer Guinness announced on Sunday that it has dropped its long-standing sponsorship of New York City’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade over the exclusion of LGBT marchers. As reported by CBS, Guinness released the following statement, explaining their decision: “Guinness has a strong history of supporting diversity and being an advocate for equality […]