LIVE FEED: Texas Senate Committee Hearing on Abortion Legislation (VIDEO FEED)

Right now in Texas. Live senate feed regarding stripping women’s health care. Public testimony began at 11:00a.m. central time.
Right now in Texas. Live senate feed regarding stripping women’s health care. Public testimony began at 11:00a.m. central time.
Bethany Erickson was involved in the fight to defend women’s rights in Texas and felt she wanted to do something more. Beth is a Dallas mother of one toddler, a small business owner, and a proud Texan who believes that the spirit of Ann Richards and Molly Ivins continues to live in Texas women today. […]
UPDATED: July 6, 2:47pm EST – 60 people are reported missing. SOURCE SOURCE Quebec town is evacuated after a train carrying petroleum products derailed and exploded causing a massive fire. You can go here for more info. Here is some raw footage of the blaze from early this morning followed by a news report from […]
This is an example of how organized crime, sub-state actors, and governments interact with each other. All from season 6 Episode 6: Live Free or Die (are they al Qaeda’s?) Episode 14: Stage 5 (FBI offer) Episode 16: Chasing it (sees the suspects) Episode 17: Walk like a Man (helps FBI) Episode 20: Blue Comet […]
Armed protesters from Open Carry Texas gathered outside the Texas Capitol last Wednesday seeking to get the public to accept individuals openly carrying rifles. However, several spectators were made uneasy by the display as reported by local news affiliate KEYE TV: “It was pretty shocking to see all those guns, big, big guns!!” said one onlooker. […]