The Westboro Baptist Church gets called out!

The Westboro Baptist Church gets called out!

America’s Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, Skypes with notoriously deranged homophobe Shirley Phelps-Roper, spokesnut for Westboro Baptist Church. NOTE TO THE LITERAL MINDED: This is satire. HATE pretty shirts and swag: Brought to you by: Join the Betty Bowers on Facebook:… Betty can be found on Twitter: Deven Green’s website: […]

A South Park Christmas with Charles Manson

A South Park Christmas with Charles Manson

Manson Sings Season 2: Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! Charlie finally understands what the holidays are all about and knows he deserves to go to prison. Charlie feels so good he sings a song about it. In this deleted scene from episode 216 of SOUTH PARK, Charles Manson sings The Beatles’ “PIGGIES” from their “White Album”. […]

Ren & Stimpy – Christmas Special

Ren & Stimpy – Christmas Special

  Have Yourself A Stinky Little Christmas (Son of Stimpy) FULL EPISODE “Son of Stimpy”, originally titled “Stimpy’s First Fart”, is the first of two Christmas-themed episodes. When Stimpy farts, he believes that he has given birth. He tells Ren about the incident, but Ren won’t believe him. Soon, Stimpy relentlessly tries to find his […]

A Very Special Christmas with Beavis and Butt Head

A Very Special Christmas with Beavis and Butt Head

A blast from the past with Beavis and Butthead’s Christmas specials. We are pleased to present you with three of their specials. We will begin with A Very Special Christmas with Beavis and Butt Head, then Letters To Santa, followed by Seasons Greetings…