The White House Experiments With Weed

The White House Experiments With Weed

Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance, explains that recent marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington isn’t simple.   The Federal response (or lack thereof) will determine how the policy is actualized. Transcript With the victories for the marijuana legalization initiatives in Colorado and Washington on Election Day 2012, it really presents the White […]

Mick Jagger Performs Top 10 On ‘Letterman’ (VIDEO)

Mick Jagger Performs Top 10 On ‘Letterman’ (VIDEO)

Mick Jagger delivered the Top Ten Countdown on Letterman this Tuesday in celebration of the Rolling Stones’ 50th Anniversary this year. [seen in the video above; the video below is behind the scenes clips] Interestingly, the Rolling Stones played the home for the Letterman Show, the Ed Sullivan Theater, back in 1964. 10. Nobody wants […]

What If Money Didn’t Matter?

What If Money Didn’t Matter?

A powerful clip narrated by Alan Watts. This should be mandatory viewing for all students – for that matter, all adults. I always tell young people that care to listen to a 50-year-old man, “Getting paid to do what you love is like hitting the lottery. Find that.”