Jon Stewart – Vague Against the Machine

Jon Stewart – Vague Against the Machine

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Jon Stewart presents the latest installment in his campaign 2012 series: ‘Democalypse 2012’ in these 3 new videos from last night. Part 2: Romney’s Wizardry Mitt Romney promises to reduce America’s national debt by cutting […]

99 Problems – Barack Obama Spoof

99 Problems – Barack Obama Spoof

YouTube sensation Alphacat, Iman Crosson, does a great Obama impersonation, this time spoofing Jay-Z’s “99 Problems,” performing it as “99 Problems, but Mitt ain’t one.” (Original Jay-Z version below) You might recall his other great spook which went viral a few months ago, President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden.