Bill Maher slams undecided voters: New Rules 09.21.12

Bill Maher slams undecided voters: New Rules 09.21.12

On last week’s New Rules, Bill Maher slammed undecided voters saying: “They mostly fall into a category political scientists call ‘low-information voters’ –otherwise known as ‘dipshits.’” Maher began the segment stating: “If you’re one of the 5 percent of American voters who are still undecided on who to vote for, it’s okay to admit you […]

Cheryl Describes Meeting Mitt Romney

Cheryl Describes Meeting Mitt Romney

The Obama campaign’s latest ad hits Romney hard regarding his views on eduction and teachers. Cheryl, a teacher from Colorado, who was asked to participate in a roundtable with Mitt Romney provides the narrative for this ad. In the video she shares her impression after talking with Romney and how her views on education are different […]

Debate over the 47% and the Role of Government

Debate over the 47% and the Role of Government

On Meet the Press this weekend the roundtable discussion centered on the national debate surrounding the 47% and the role of government. The panel this week included: Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (D) has served as mayor since 2010 and is currently the chairman of the Transportation and Communications Committee of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. […]