By Samuel Warde on
Lewis Black Voter Suppression, Madison Kimrey, Madison Kimrey talks voter suppression, provisional voting rights, teen voter pre-registration, The ACLU and Voter Suppression, The ACLU and voting rights, Voter ID Laws, voter pre-registration, Voting Reform Laws, Voting Rights
Activism, Voter Suppression, Voting

Check out what happens when a Tea Partier tries to deny the existence of voter suppression laws. SPOILER: It didn’t have a happy ending – at least not for him. I posted the following image on my Facebook profile a while back to help start a conversation regarding voter suppression efforts in North Carolina. ACLU […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Videos, Voter ID Laws, Voter Suppression
Elections, Videos, Voting

Are Voter ID Laws Really a Bad Idea? A photo ID is required for a lot of things such as flying, driving, and buying alcohol. So why is it a big deal to require a photo ID for voting? As it turns out, voter ID laws could restrict a lot more voters than you think. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Sarah Silverman, Videos, Voter ID Laws, Voter Suppression, Voting
Activism, Videos, Voting

Sarah Silverman takes on voter suppression laws, discussing the fact gun registration cards can be used for ID to while many other forms of traditional ID like social security cards, student IDs, veterans IDs, and student IDs are no longer valid for voting. So why not go out today and get a gun to insure […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Voter ID Laws, Voter Suppression, Voting
Elections, The Courts, Voting

Election day is around the corner and, as The New York Times notes, “Republican officials and legislators around the country are battling down to the wire to preserve strict and discriminatory new voting laws that could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans.” U.S. Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner of Chicago issued a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Sarah Silverman, Videos, Voter ID Laws, Voter Suppression, Voting
Elections, Videos, Voting

“Hey black people, old people, poor people and students – guess what you have in common? Lawmakers are trying to fuck you in your assholes. “ Sarah Silverman takes on voter suppression laws, discussing the fact that while many forms of traditional ID like social security cards, student IDs, veterans IDs, and student IDs are […]