Obama slams Romney on Letterman

Obama slams Romney on Letterman

President Obama slammed Mitt Romney last night on Late with David Letterman for “writing off a big chunk of the country” after all the controversy broke over a secret video in which Romney dismissed nearly half the country as Obama supporters who were victims dependent on the government. “One of the things I’ve learned as […]

The “High” Judge: whoops, jail time for 41 plants

The “High” Judge: whoops, jail time for 41 plants

Judge James H. Allamong Jr., a substitute judge in Virginia, was sentenced to thirty days in jail after being caught growing marijuana. The judge claimed he needed to grow 41 plants for personal use. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks discuss this story. Should marijuana be legalized? Tell us what you think […]

SNL Bain Ad Parody

SNL Bain Ad  Parody

Saturday Night Live presented a parody of one of the Obama for America’s attack ads on Mitt Romney, hitting him for his time with Bain Capital. You can watch the video below which features some of Bain Capital’s greatest hits. “I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message, but I’m not real proud of it.”